An anachronism of the Cold War
NATO was founded by the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and 9 other European countries, among them Italy, as an alliance against the countries of the soviet bloc. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, but NATO is still around, in fact it has expanded, adding countries from central and eastern Europe and from the Balkans.
… that's getting bigger all the time
Currently, NATO has 28 members, and there is an attempt to add Finland, Sweden, and some Mediterranean, North African, and Arab states. The middle east, including Israel is on its horizon.
… contrary to the spirit of the United Nations
The Secretaries General of the NATO and of the UN have signed a joint statement of cooperation, without the authorisation of the UN assembly. This puts the independence of the UN and its capacity to support international law at risk. I
… a force that is ever more prepared for war
NATO has fought wars outside its borders in Kosovo and now in Afghanistan and it is becoming an ever greater threat to world peace. Three quarters of all military spending is made by members of NATO.
...a nuclear bunker
NATO controls more than 11,000 French, British, and US nuclear warheads, deployed in different parts of Europe, including Italy with 90 nuclear warheads, in contempt of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (1975). A collection of signatures for a popular initiative law that would make Italy a nuclear free zone was ignored by our parliament.
Why women are protesting against NATO
With the bases and the military presence, sexual exploitation and violence against women increase. For example, the wars in the Balkans produced an enormous industry of sex and of trafficking women.
Women suffer more the effects of war. They are the majority of the civilian victims, of the refugees and displaced. Thousands are deprived of the means of survival, as has happened in Afghanistan where, in addition to the waste of resources for a war without sense or end, war has brough destruction and death
But women do NOT accept the role of VICTIMS. Rather, women have and can always have a key role in the prevention of conflicts, in reconciliation and the construction of peace processes.
As women, we do NOT recognise any role for NATO in our security, whihc can be achieved only by peaceful negotiation and nonviolent resolution of conflicts.
Why women are protesting today
At the NATO summit in Lisbon from 19 to 21 November, a new strategic concept is to be adopted. it will commit NATO more and more to strategies of militarisation. Among other things, the decision will be ratified to transfer all US nuclear war heads currently deployed in Europe to Aviano in Italy and to Turkey. While the Turkish government has at least imposed some conditions, the Italian government accepts in silence.
Knowing the suffering caused by war from the Afghan women, we demand wthe withdrawal of Italian troops and all other troops from Afghanistan.