Sunday, 28 March 2010

Land Day - in defense of the land and of memory

Write down
I am an Arab,
You stole the orchards of my ancestors
And the land which I cultivated
Along with my children.

And you left nothing for us,
Nor for our descendents,
Except for these rocks...
So will the state take them,
As it has been said?
Mahmoud Darwish: Identity Card


On 30th March the Palestinian People Remember Land Day

The events commemorated on this day go back to the 30th March 1976, starting with the confiscation of hundreds of hectares of Palestinian land by the Israelis in areas with an Arab-Palestinian majority, particularly Galilee.

Following this act, Arabs in the territories occupied in 1948 called a general strike, challenging the Israeli authorities for the first time since 1948.

The Israeli military response was harsh: the army invaded Palestinian towns killing and wounding several defenseless people.

The protests started on March 29th, with a demonstration in Deir Hanna - repressed by force - followed by another in Arraba, where the Israeli military reaction was even stronger and led to the killing of Khair Yassin and the wounding of dozens of citizens.

News of the killing of Yassin led to increased protests in all the Arab areas. The next day, another five people were killed: : Raja Abu Raia, Khader Khalaylah, Khadija Shawahneh, di Sekhnin; Muhsen Taha di Kufor Kenna, and Rafat al-Zuhairi di Ain Shama.

Since then, things have not improved - on the contrary, the policies of expropriation have been extended to the territories illegally occupied in 1967. Confiscations of land continue, as do the colonial projects: day after day, the apartheid wall steals Palestinian land, dividing orchards, villages, towns, families. New settlements are built and older ones are extended.

Racist attitudes are also on the increase, attempting to strip Palestinians of their legal and political rights and to cancel the historic memory of the Palestinian pople. On February 26, the Israeli parliament approved a law that bans the commemoration of the Nakba, the catastrophe of the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from Palestine with the creation of the state of Israel. Penalties will be imposed on anyone who shows "signs of sadness and mourning" on the 15th May within the (undefined) borders of Israel. On that date, Palestinians recall the creation of the refugee crisis.

The Israeli group
Zochrot (Remember) is working against these attitudes, insisting that without awareness of the Nakba as an intrinsic part of the creation of the state of Israel, peace cannot be achieved. They also try to bring the history of Palestinian villages to Israelis and foriegn tourists, as shown in these videos: