Thursday, 14 May 2009

Peace puts down roots in Vicenza

On May 10th , 530 people signed papers in the presence of a notary for the collective purchase of the land where the Permanent Protest against the Dal Molin project to build a US base. The land occupied by the protest is planned to be the north

"Let's put down roots at Dal Molin" is the name of the campaign in which sol many citizens who are opposed to the military base have paid a subscription of 100 Euro to buy the land. The No Dal Molin movement provides a stable basis for their own opposition and, above all, puts a spanner in the works of the militarisation: the land that has been purchased should, according to plans, be expropriated for the construction of the entrance to the base.

It was a really festive occasion at the Presidio with long lines of patient people waiting hours for their turn to sign in the presence of the notary. But they had the chance to meet friends, to listen to music or readings, watch theatre, or take a guided tour around the area and get refreshment at the bar at very reasonable prices.

Those who were in line waiting for the notary received a leaflet about the next initiative - to take place on July 4th, when the people of Vicenza once more invite everyone to come to Vicenza "to free Dal Molin from the war base". On the eve of the G8 and of Obama's arrival in Italy, the city of Vicenza will once again be the centre of attention for those who struggle against war and its instruments.

"On the day in which US citizens celebrate their independence from the British Empire, we want to claim our independence from military servitude. "