"Italy repudiates war as an instrument offensive to the liberty of other peoples and as a means of resolving international controversies. ".
Article 11 of the Italian constitution
Is it possible to repudiate war and accept a military cooperation agreement with a state that is belligerent towards other countries, a state that for more than 40 years has used its military force to occupy and repress the freedom of the Palestinian people, a state that is now accused of war crimes and serious violations of humanitarian law ?
We say no!
So, we invite everyone to write to the President of the Republic, , Giorgio Napolitano, reminding him of his role as guarantor of the constitution and demanding the immediate suspension of the military agreement with Israel.
You can download the postcard, clicking on the images and then saving it. Send it to President Napolitano at Palazzo del Quirinale, 00187 Roma or by fax: 06-46993125.