The demonstration for the freedom of information was postponed so that it wouldn't clash with the national day of mourning for the Italian soldiers killed in Kabul. For us, this decision was mistaken and dishonest. We gave our support to the demonstration because we believe that freedom on information is a vital factor in the struggle against war and violence and in the struggle for women's rights - struggles that cannot be separated. | I am very sorry to see governments putting the lives of their soldiers in danger in Afghanistan in the name of bringing democracy. In fact the soldiers are serving the strategic and regional interests of the White House and the consequences of their occupation so far have been devastating for my people. Malalai Joya |
If we really believe in the importance of the freedom of information, it should be clear that the lack of serious information about the motives and consequences of the military mission in Afghanistan has played an important role in the killing of the six Italian soldiers.
To stand back and remain silent as the tragedy that has struck these men and their loved ones is manipulated by those who sent them to their deaths is not a sign of respect - quite the contrary.
So, despite the rain the decision of many to postpone the demonstation, the Women in Black of Bergamo kept the appointment, dressed in black for the sorrow we feel for wars, for every war.
We also offer are solidarity to Simonetta Salacone, headteacher of the Iqbal Massih school in Rome, who refused to participate in another manipulation - the minute silence for the fallen in Afghanistan. Simonetta Salacone explained her decision with clarity and eloquence:
Click the text to read the complete letter.
So, despite the rain the decision of many to postpone the demonstation, the Women in Black of Bergamo kept the appointment, dressed in black for the sorrow we feel for wars, for every war.
If the media provided news and documentation about the motives for each war, perhaps there would be more peace.
We also offer are solidarity to Simonetta Salacone, headteacher of the Iqbal Massih school in Rome, who refused to participate in another manipulation - the minute silence for the fallen in Afghanistan. Simonetta Salacone explained her decision with clarity and eloquence:
Click the text to read the complete letter.